Happy Napper
Nothing Happy About it
One of my children's favorite toys. Of course it is.
And cherish the blanket that goes with him.
Sleeps in his own bed, with multiple lovies--next to the night light-- just in case he gets scared of the dark. Wuss.
He joined us at the dinner table and happily ate some mac n'cheese. He prefers chocolate milk to water. Snot.
He chose to watch the Wizard of Oz for movie night and liked the chicken strips at Culver's. Loves checkers too. He was a beast at checkers.
My husband and I had a thirty minute pow wow discussing whether or not we would take it to Goodwill,with the other misfit toys. We knew we would suffer immeasurable pain if we disposed of it. The kidlets would have a hayday destroying our parental authority and selfish choices. The guilt would be the worst. We envisioned the sad, doe eyes, brimming with tears, chastising us with their ridiculous long lashes. Hrmph.
He stayed. He's horrifically annoying. He's a happy napper.
Teacher by trade. Mom. Wife. Flunked Girl Scouts.